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Once upon a collage: a call for art

Updated: 6 days ago

Hello my absolute legends!


As always you haven't disappointed! I have been inundated with comments about the kids' collage guide. The feedback has been smashing, and most peeps tell me they can't wait to see what their students (or kids at home) come up with. I am so happy and so grateful! Thank you :)


I was, in fact, testing the waters. This was sort of a covert mission. If you follow me on Instagram, you know how I love classic cloak and dagger movies!


Truth be told, it's my intention to create a book (yes, a tangible, hold in your hands book) featuring the collages of kids who have been part of the Make. Learn. Play art activity. Wouldn't that be fabulous? As a former art teacher, I have my heart set on making it a reality, but I really need your help.


If you don't yet have your guide, get into the action. Have your students participate in this collage activity and take some excellent photos of their work. Below you'll find all the info you need to submit your images.


Facilitate the Make. Learn. Play collage guide activity in your classroom.

Take a photo of the resulting work. Good light is a must. Smartphone pic is ok.

Have the artist write a one or two line statement about their collage.

Send photo and text to

Indicate grade, school, city and name of the artist.

The name of the teacher is required. I give credit where credit is due! :)

And if you are a parent, you can also contribute. Follow the same guidelines!


I will keep everyone updated as the project moves along. I need a minimum of 100 participating artists to make it all possible. Besides, being part of this awesome project comes at no cost whatsoever. Submit as many photos as you want. I will also feature artwork on Instagram. I want to show everyone the amazing job that art teachers do in schools everywhere!


Thank you for all your help.    


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